Peace of mind

Are you getting calls from members complaining about lifts, security or parking?

Do you miss your lazy Sunday’s?

Has managing your society turned into a job rather than a privilege?

We've got you covered!

With a team of consultants, advocates and society managers we have got all sides covered for the managing committee.

Liasoning for

  1. Conveyance
  2. BMC related
  3. Office of the Collector

Focused on solutions

We understand how cumbersome and time consuming it gets in handling problems.
With CHS Manager your society gets quotes from agencies listed with us.
That’s solutions on a tap!

Main Features


Phone Support

We’re available on call even post society managers duty hours for support.
Wherein members can submit their requests and complaints.

Search & negotiate with agencies,vendors, staff

We negotiate and get the best agencies, vendors, equipments for your society.

Legally Correct

Our team of experts would check on legal issues thereby protecting the managing committee.

Co Ordinate and update all committee members

CHS Manager ensures proper co ordination within committee members off their busy schedules for better decision making in the least time required.

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