
BYE LAWS adoption and implementation

Co Operative Housing Societies are governed by bye laws falling under MCS act 1960.

We help societies adopt and implement bye laws. With clear understandings on the benefits and procedure towards its adoption.

The migration process is smoothed with all paper work handled by our efficient managers.


Bye laws 

Societies are governed by framework of bye laws. We help societies adopt bye laws and administer in accordance of the same. Your society would be fully compliant and ready for random inspections.

Main Features

File Management

We maintain documents as per regulations.

Proper file management system ensures zero redundancy of documents and quick accessibility.

300+ Agencies and Vendors

We have more than 300 agencies and vendors who can be tapped for any services related to society management.

Communications with Registrar

All communications pertaining with the office of the Registrar of Co Operative Housing societies is handled by our experts.
Managing committee can rely on sound advisory.

Liasoning Services

Solutions for all BMC liasoning jobs such as conveyance, OC, transfers etc.

Legal Opinions and Advisory

Professionally precise.
CHS Manager provides legal advice on various issues that need to addressed


Society members can’t be wrong


Ever increasing list of vendors


Dedicated relationship manager for your society

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